Friday, 27 June 2008

Jamie the Kitten

Born on 28 April, and brought home two days ago, Jamie already promises to be a handful! His name was, for a moment there, likely to be Bandit (because of the black mask and cape over his fundamentally white fur), but James was considered more dignified -- and there is something of the air of a butler about his appearance.

Not so his behaviour. Though terrified of our labrador bitch (Seal), he shows no sign of running away -- standing firm all spit and hiss (and twice his normal size). We are gradually getting them used to each other. It is clear that Seal will eventually come out worse in the arrangements, and we know who the king of the household is destined to be.

He demands (and gets) non-stop play and food from all his loyal subjects already!
Presently his dominion extends from the kitchen into the (warmer) dining room, with Seal carefully shunted sideways when he roams. This will have to do for the moment, though in a few days they will be allowed to mix (supervised). More news then.

He is already hitting the bottle.

[I forgot just how much hard work a baby animal can be :)]

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